Monday, July 15, 2013

Child Abduction is Not Funny

Child Abduction is Not Funny

At the Stoley Kevin's Parent's are watching the news about Child Abduction...during the time Tweek was flicking through like a scared rabbit.

TV: And it seems there's a new danger to look out for: children who are taken by strangers. The bottom line: children are not safe... in their own homes!

Kevin:  What Do You Mean? We ain't safe in our own house. 

Marnie:  It's all bull crap, trying to scare us and make news....uh I hope [she says nervously] 

Kevin: Lets...just hope so ay. 

Ms Stoely: It's time for bed kids. 

Later That Night In Marnie's Bedroom.

It's nighttime and Marnie is has a nightmare about every adult got taken away by aliens then all the kids get abducted by zombies

Marnie: [wakes up]  w..what the hell? [she gets out of bed and heads into kitchen to get a glass of water, it's 2pm in the middle of the night and she hears police cars outside her street] whaa?  [she runs outside and see's everyone in town outside there house in their Pjs.

Officer: Alright Johnson, give it up!

Ghost Of Human Kindness: [strikes his scepter to the ground with each expletive] Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! [four officers close in with guns drawn. Tweek steps aside] Oh, I was so close!

Tweek: What the hell is going on?

Ms Tweek:  Tweek, Tweek, are you okay?

Richard: Did he hurt you, son?

Tweek: No. 

Detective: Then we aren't too late. His name is Frederick Johnson. He's been abducting children by dressing up like the Ghost of Human Kindness for over a year now.

Ghost Of Human Kindness: And I would have gotten away with it again if it weren't for you meddling policemen! 

Liane: What's going on?

Sharon: A stranger was caught trying to abduct the Tweek boy.

Sheliathe Broflovskis arrive in their pajamas] An abductor in our town?

Tom: Oh my God, what are we gonna do?

Marnie: [walks up to Kevin, Craig & Clyde]  w-what is happening? 

Kevin:  I don't know...the news guy was right. 

Craig:  That sucks.

Clyde: Yeah and he tried to rape and take Tweek into his van.

Marnie:  Oh my god...poor Tweek

Tom: Son...we are going can talk to your little friends tomorrow. 

Craig: ok.


The next day...the parents gave everyone child tracker to wear on there heads when they ain't home...later on that day the boys come back to a baseball game with no team...the  boys are annoyed but the parents are all having a good time.

Jimbo: [raises a mug of beer] South Park Cows do it again!

SharonCongratulations on your victory, boys. [Cartman is already eating a slice of pizza]
Kyle: Dude, we weren't playing anybody.
Randy: Yeah, and you kicked ass!
Roger: Isn't it awesome havin' a great wall around our city? Nobody in town except for our good friends.
Richard: [calling attention to the TV] Guys! Sh, quiet everyone. [the news is on]
TV NEWS: in gray jacket] And this newest study reveals more about child abductions than we apparently knew before, Tom. [the adults move closer to the TV]
Sharon: Turn it up.

TV Tom: That's right, Chris. This newest study shows that the majority of child abductions are NOT committed by strangers, but by somebody the child knows in their own town. [the adults start looking at the others around them, at each other.] The report further states that it is because the child trusts the individual that problems occur in the first place.

TV Chris: Well, I guess this means the enemy is in our own backyard, so to speak.
TV TomSure does, Tom.
TV ChrisAlright, thanks, Chris. Is the weather going to turn su- [click. The parents go to their kids and they depart one by one]

Richard: Well, if you'll all excuse us, I think we'll be going now. [takes Tweek, and the family leaves. Stan, Kyle, and Cartman remain, eating]

Gerald: [walks up] Yeah. Come along, Kyle [the Broflovskis leave. Stan and Cartman remain]
SharonStanley, time for us to get back to the house.
Stan[mouth full] I'm not done with my pizza.
Sharon: NOW, Stanley! 
Roger: Yes come along Clyde [he grabs clyde] 


It's the night afterwards and Craig is hanging out with Marnie, watching Red Racer, while there parents are home...

Craig: wow now that was a good episode.
Marnie: have'nt you seen it before?
Craig: 5 times [Marnie laughs] 
Tom: Craig...your friend's parents want her home right now.
Craig: guys are dumb. 
Tom: Craig...we are doing this for your safety, do you want her parents to take you away and abduct you. 
Marnie: WHAT? they wouldn't do that...
Tom:  it's for Craig and your safety. 
Marnie:  I suppose...i'll be leaving...see ya Craig [she walks out the door, and heads home]
Craig: [craig glares at his dad] Dude...I'm trying to impress this chick you..see and [Tom just stops him before he can finish] 
Tom: CRAIG! just go up to your room and lock all the windows.

[South Park Elementary. The bell rings and the class begins. Mr. Mackey is at the board. ]

Mr Mackey: M'kay, kids, so, now, who can tell me what year the first moon landing took place? [a shot of the class with all parents present] Uh, how about you, Clyde?

Roger:  whispers into Clyde's ear] Nineteen six-

Mr Mackey:  No helping! [Roger looks around, embarrassed, and stands up] M'kay, I'm not really sure havin' all the parents here is a good idea, m'kay?

Richard: Well, maybe things could be better if we could trust people like the Stotches!

Chris: Us? Your family's all be the shifty-eyed ones!

Richard: Oh Yeah? [the parents start to ague]

Mr Mackey: Oh, this is too much to take. [goes to his desk, where his own parents wait, and sits down.] Mom, Dad, could you please leave me alone?

Mr Mackey's Dad:  We just wanna make sure nobody hurts you, Junior, m'kay?

Mr Mackey: M'kay.

South Park, next day. The families gather on a neighborhood street. The parents are hugging their kids

Randy: [hands Stan some money] Here you go, Stanley. This should hold you over for three years.
Stan:   But why do I have to leave?
RandyThe news says that at your age you aren't safe with us, son. You have to get out of here before we abduct you.
SharonGood-bye, son. [hugs Stan and sobs softly] Remember to eat right.

Gerald: [wistfully] Look out for your brother, Kyle. You're the man now.
SheilaOh, boys! Don't ever forget that we love you! [Gerald hugs Kyle, Sheila hugs Ike. They begin to cry, and the other adults follow. They leave their kids and huddle, then turn around, crying all the while]

Linda:  Be careful out there!
Stan: Where are we supposed to go?
Randy: We can't tell you because we can't know where you are! [turns back to cry with Sharon]
Sheila: Oh, this is terrible!
RogerGo on, kids! Go! Go and don't look back! [turns and hugs his wife. The adults are bawling now. Token is the first to leave, and the other kids follow him]
Randy: Good-bye, kids. We'll... never forget you. [the adults continue crying. Chris pulls out a ram's horn and blows into it a few times]
Stan: Dude, sometimes I think our parents are really stupid.
Kyle: Sometimes....dude our parents are always stupid [the kids all walk together down the street]

Marnie: dude i'm more afraid being out in the streets..
Craig:  Don't worry...i'll look out for you *he smiles* 

[Clyde glares at them while they arrive to a big wall that is surrounding south park, and see a bunch of Mongolian's]

Clyde: who are they? [he says to Token] 
Token: I don't know..they look like Mongolians. 
Clyde: What the fuck is a mongolian? 
Token: I...I don't know.
Butters: I..don't like the look of them fallers. 

[stan walks up to them and they start talking in a strange kinda language]

2 days LATER.

The Monogolians and the kids are in a circle around a fire...roasting animals and eating them, they seem to be able to learn Monoglian in the past 2 days

Leader: Tah tane da ke ab kahleh kalabush.
StanBi ologad bag, big nan dastai. [the Mongolians laugh]
Mongolian: [in blue] De bandig baeakhalah?
CartmanTawya mea pleda cleah bleah.
TweekTriben fak burushban.
AllShain balag!
Clyde: [whispers to craig] what the hell are they talking about?
Craig: I don't know
Token: I think they want us to help team destroy the wall. 
Clyde: oh.

[The boys go grab a bunch of bombs and helping the Mongolians collect a bunch of fireworks, while the girls stand back and watch them]

Marnie: girls...i'm scared of loud blowing up sounds.  
Wendy: me too. 
Bebe: luckily we can keep out of it. 
Pre school girl: I WANNA GO HOME [she starts crying] 

[while Thoung is being all retarded like and resumes his dance. Seeing Tuong engrossed in his dance, the children move some explosives to a spot against the wall. Token peeks to make sure everything is in place. The kids then walk back to the Mongolians, past Tuong...]

Tuong: Oh Crap. [the explosives blow up, knocking Tuong towards the Mongolians and leaving a big gap in the wall. The kids and the Mongolians have a good laugh. The adults in town come to see the commotion]

Randy:What's going on?
Liane:I heard an explosion.
Tuong:[battered, comes into view] God-damned Mongolians attacked city wall again! [The kids and the Mongolians have a good laugh again.]
Man in Back:Mongolians?
Randy:What the hell are they doin' here?! Rabble! Rabble rabble!
Adults:Rabble rabble rabble rabble!
Richard:Wait a minute. Those Mongolians are... our children. [a shot of the kids and Mongolians]
Sheila:Ike? Kyle?
Sharon:My son has become a Mongolian? No! Noooo!! [buries her head in Randy's chest]
Richard:Oh God. What have we done? We sent our children away, and now they don't even remember who they are.
Mr. Donovan:Kids? Don't you remember us?
Randy:Wait wait. I learned some Mongolian in college. [steps forth] Ah, let's see. Uh. K-kids, uh, Bi kute. Bi salnek kute. Uh-d tah tasobarro.
Stan:["Budu e noo"] Oh my God, our parents are so stupid, dude. [squeezes his eyes shut and buries his face in his right hand]
Randy:Bi kute.
Mr. Donovan:We are your parents. You used to live here, with us.
Kyle:Yeah, it was like four days ago!
Richard:They're starting to remember.
Randy:[walks quickly and kneels next to Stan] Staaan. Your name... is Staaan!
Stan:Uh huh, Stan Marsh.
Randy:[holds Stan firmly] That's it! Remember, son! Rememmmber! [the rest of the parents rush out and hug their own kids, crying in relief]
Richard:We're sorry, Tweek!
Mr. Donovan:Are you okay, Clyde?
Chris:[Butters' parents hug the wrong person - the Mongolian leader] Oh, son, can you ever forgive us?
Butters:Huh, I'm over here, Dad.
Chris:Oh. [he and Linda rush to hug him]
Sheila:We're sorry, kids. We just let all those sensationalist news reports go to our heads.
Richard:Oh my God, do you see what this means? The Ghost of Human Kindness was right all along.
Mr. Donovan:You mean how he said we should trust each other, or how he abducted children?
Richard:The uh... no, the part about being more trusting. We should follow what he said, not what he did.
Adults:Wow, yeah. Oh yeah.
Randy:No, no. You know who was right all along? The Mongolians. [a shot of the Mongolians] They knew that you just can't wall yourself off from the outside world. Putting walls up never helps anything. Tearing them down brings us together.
Adults:Whoa! Wow. Right!
Chris:Yeah, the Mongolians were right. Yeah.
Tuong:Aw, you'd better not say what I think you're gonna say.
Mayor McDaniels:Mr. Lu Kim, tear down this wall!
Tuong:Oh, God! I hate this whole shitty!
Sharon:Randy, can we just take our son home now?
Randy:Yes, kids. [steps forward] With us, now come. Home. Hoomme. [all turn and walk towards town through the gap in the great wall]
Stan:[to Kyle] Jesus Christ, dude, they've done some stupid crap before, but Jesus Christ. [faces forward and continues walking]

The End!

Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society

Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society

Marnie:[texting craig..."sucks we are back in School today"] Can't believe we have to go back to school..I was enjoying my kinda Vacation. 
Kevin:Yeah same here....uh..why have you been talking to Craig something between you two or...[he pauses
Marnie:Ofcourse not...he wouldn't be interested in me...but we are actually good friends...and cute...but I'm with Clyde why would you think that [she says nervously] 
Kevin:[crosses arms] umm sure...if you say so
Kevin's Mum:Common Kids you gonna be late for the bus 
Kevin:Coming mom [he walks out Marnie's room] 
Marnie:[looks annoyed] STUPID SCHOOL! 

[South Park Elementary, Fourth Grade. The kids pour into the classroom, chattering. Wendy walks up and starts talking to Red and Jordan]

Wendy:I can't believe it's been two weeks since I've seen you guys. What have you been doing? [Bebe walks in]
Bebe:Hey guys.
Wendy:Hey Bebe.
Bebe:You guys uh, [holds out her arms] notice anything different? [looks down at her body]
Wendy:[the three girls gaze] Oh my God, Bebe. You got boobs.
Bebe:Yeah, they started coming in last week. At first I thought they were just mosquito bites, but, then they didn't go away.
Mr. Mackey:[enters the classroom and walks past the girls] M'kay kids, let's take our seats, m'kay? [the girls take their seats] I know this has been a difficult couple o'weeks for you all with the untimely death of your teacher, but it's time for us to try to move on and learn, m'kay?
Cartman:Mr. Mackey, I don't think I'm over the teacher's tragic death yet. I need more time. It's just... it still hurts, you know? Can I go home?
Mr. Mackey:No. Eric, what we're gonna do is learn to hide our emotions with math problems. [turns, grabs some chalk, and starts writing on the board] M'kay, so let's start with some multiplication tables over here, m'kay. First we'll do uh, four time four, m'kay?
Kyle:Dude, look at Bebe. ["We'll move into the five times thing" Bebe is busy taking notes. "We'll try five time three..."] Something seems different about her.
Stan:Yeah, I noticed that too. Did she get a haircut or something?
Kyle:I don't know. [Bebe continues writing]
Clyde:Hey Token. You know, I never noticed before, but that girl Bebe is... kinda cool.
Token:I was just thinking the same thing. It's like, she's a girl, but, she's someone you could hang out with.
Butters:[pipes up behind Jordan] Yeah. Bebe is kinda cool, huh? [Bebe continues writing]
Cartman:Hey Craig, is that the same shirt that that Bebe chick always wears?
Craig:I don't know. Why?
Cartman:It just... it just seems like a really awesome shirt.
Craig:Yeah. It kinda does. [Bebe continues writing, but stops and looks to her right. All the boys are looking at her, all the girls look at the board.]
Mr. Mackey:Okay, and so uh, [Bebe is looking back, wondering why the boys keep staring at her] so who can tell me the answer to the first problem, six times eight? Uh, Bebe?
Bebe::[breaks the stare and answers] Oh, uh, forty-eight?
All the boys:Whoa.
Clyde:That is an awesome answer!
All the boys:Yeah!
Kyle:Dude! Bebe is really smart!
Stan:Yeah. I never noticed that before. Maybe she's actually cool enough to hang out with us.
Cartman:Yeah, may be.

South Park Elementary, later. Three girls walk to class: Wendy, Bebe, and Red. Wendy is talking

Wendy:...And I was like, "I'm not buying those shoes for twenty dollars." [the girls stop and giggle]
Stan:[arriving with a group of boys: Kyle, Cartman, Token, Butters, Tweek, and Clyde] Ah, hey, Bebe.
Stan:Uh, we're gonna throw rocks at cars later on, and we thought maybe you'd like to join us.
Bebe:Really? [Wendy and Red look at her] I've never done that before.
Butters:[Stan and Kyle part a bit for a better view] Wuuhh, it's really fun.You toss these little rocks at cars, and if the driver gets angry, you blame me.
Kyle:Yeah, it's cool.
Bebe:Why sure, that sounds hellafun.
The boys:Hahahahahaha...
Cartman:Right, heh.
Clyde:Wow, hellafun. That's awesome.
Token:I'm gonna start saying that now.
Stan:Cool. [the boys turn as one and walk back the way the came] We'll see you later, Bebe.
Wendy:[Wendy catches up to Stan. The boys are grinning. Stan stops and looks]</> Stan, you've never asked me to throw rocks at cars with you guys.
Stan:That's different, dude. You're like, my girlfriend. Bebe's just... I don't know. She's just cool. [turns and walks off]
Kyle:[looks over his shoulder] Yeah. She's really cool. [Wendy gets upset]
Clyde:It's weird how we never noticed before. [Wendy looks back at Bebe, who just shrugs]


Marnie:Kinda pissed we are back at school. 
Craig:Yeah same....
Clyde:[Clyde walks by] Hey we going to throw rocks at cars ..
Craigsure...sounds like fun. [he walks off with the boys]
Marnie[looks annoyed] You gotta be kidding me. 
WendyThe are want to be with Bebe now [she looks annoyed aswell] 
[A hill just outside of town. The boys and Bebe are gathered at the summit]

Stan:So what you do, see, is wait for a car to drive by that big pine tree. Then you chuck a rock at it. It's all about the timing. [he throws a rock towards the road and the others look at the trajectory. A blue pick-up truck drives by and is hit.]
Driver:You damn kids!
Clyde:You try it, Bebe.
Token:Here comes a sedan. [Bebe throws a rock at the red sedan and hits it]
Driver:You damn kids!
The boys:Awesome!
Butters:Cool! [close up] That was the most perfect throw I've ever seen.
Kyle:That was sweet, Bebe. [shows her another rock and another grip] Now, if you just hold the rock like this, you-
Clyde:Yeah. [grabs a hold of the rock and pulls it a bit] Here, it's like if you put your thumb on this side-
Kyle:[pulls back] I'm showing her.
Clyde:[pulls back] Yeah, just let me show her real quick how to put the thumb and-
Kyle:[gives an ape look and smacks Clyde, who lets go of the rock] Hoh!
Clyde:[grunts back and moves off] Hoh hoh hoh! [Bebe is stunned at this development]
Kyle:Hoh! [watches, then reverts to normal and talks to Bebe. Stan moves in] Anyways, you put a spin on it by holding it here and-
Stan:[grabs the rock and demonstrates] Yeah, and then you can actually hold it like this. Now-
Kyle:[peeved] Hoh! Hoh hoh hoh hoh! [Bebe backs up, scared]
Stan:Hoh hoh hoh!
Kyle:Hah hah hah!
Craig:[beats his chest] Urh urh urh! [all the boys start grunting and displaying agression]
Bebe:Uh. Listen guys, uh, It's five-thirty. I'm supposed to get home, so... I'll see you later. [leaves. The boys continue grunting and putting on displays. She walks faster the farther she moves from the boys. The boys notice her absence and stop]
Stan:[beat] ...Wait, what were we doing again?
Kyle:We were throwing rocks at cars.
The boys:Oh yeah.
Butters:[points] Uh here comes an SUV. [Token throws a rock and hits the SUV]
Jimbo:You damn kids!


The boys:Hi, Bebe.
Bebe:Hey everybody.
Wendy:[rolls her eyes and rest her head on her right hand] Oh, for Christ's sake!
Mr. Mackey:[arriving, puts his textbooks on the teacher's desk] M'kay. Kids, I asked you to write a paper to read aloud for the class. Now, who want to start? [no one volunteers] M'kay, class.
Clyde:[picks up his paper and starts] My paper is called, "Why Bebe is the coolest person, ever."
Stan:Hey, that's what I wrote about!
Butters:Me too!
Clyde:[grunts] Hoh!
Stan:[grunts and pounds his desk] Hah hah, hah! [the other boys start grunting like apes.] Uuuuh-okay. Go ahead, Clyde.
Clyde:[glowers at Stan, then reads] "My friend Bebe is really smart. She tells funny jokes and knows a lot about stuff. She's good at almost everything she tries. She's awesome. The end." [some applause]
Mr. Mackey:M'kay, very nice, Clyde. Uh, Token, why don't you read your paper?
Token:[picks up his paper and reads] "If I could be Bebe." [Wendy is miffed and rolls her eyes] "If I was Bebe I would have lots of friends because I would be sooo great. I would make people smile and think wherever I went."
Mr. Mackey:[takes a moment to think, then] M'kay, interesting, Token, Uh... Who would like to go next? [the rest of the boys raise their hands energetically and make small sounds to get Mackey's attention]Uh how about someone who didn't write about how cool Bebe is?
The boys:[softly] Oh. [they lower their hands. Bebe raises hers]
Mr. Mackey:M'kay, Bebe?
Bebe:[picks up her paper and reads] "My cat Thumper."
The boys:Wwooww.
Bebe:[sees the reaction and continues reading] "Thumper is gray with a white spot. Sometimes he likes to chase his tail. [the boys break out in laughter]
Clyde:Chase his tail? That must be so funny?
Bebe:"Thumper is twelve years old. That's pretty old for a cat. The end."
The boys:Wwooww!
Cartman:God, you know what, that's so true? Because, you sometimes never really think about how old a pet is until it's gone.
Craig:That's true, huh? Man, that makes me really reflect on my pet.
Stan:That's such a great paper! [starts clapping. The other boys join in the applause]
Mr. Mackey:M'kay. Wendy, why don't we hear your paper?
Wendy:[picks up her paper and reads] "The new Cold War"
Cartman:Oh God! Here we go again! Dork alert! [the boys crack up]


MarnieHey Clyde...was wondering if [clyde talks over her] 
Clyde:Sorry..busy...I'm hanging with bebe tonight.
Marnie:[gets tears in her eyes] whatever asshole.
Craig:[walks up] Your ...umm still my favourite female [he walks off]
At Wendy's Lunch Table
Wendy:But, then the mall closes at four or five o'clock, so who knows w-
Clyde:[arrives with Kyle, Token, Craig,Bradley and Francis] Have any of you dumb girls seen Bebe anywhere?
Wendy:[angrily] No!
Kyle:Maybe she's in the lunch line.
The boys:Yeah.
Wendy:Can you believe Bebe? She thinks she's so cool all of a sudden.
Millie:I can't stand her anymore! She's such a slut!
Esther:She's a total slut!
Red:You know what I heard? I heard that she made out with eight different boys in one minute.
Millie:I heard that she lifted her shirt to the boys at the bus stop.
Wendy:I heard that her asshole is this big around. [makes a hole with her hands, thumb touching thumb, the other fingers touching their counterparts on the other hand]
Millie and Esther :Wwooww.
Bebe:[comes into view] Hey guys.
Wendy:Oh, hey Bebe. [fakes a clearing throat] Slut. [again] Slut.
Millie:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Esther:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Millie:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Bebe:...You guys still wanna go ice-skating after school?
Wendy:Oh, no, that's okay Bebe. You might trip and then we'd be sucked into your huge gaping vagina like ants into a vacuum cleaner. [fakes a clearing throat] Slut. [again] Slut.
Millie:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Esther:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Red:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Millie:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut. [the girls take their trays and leave, giggling]
Girls:[out of view] Whore. Slut. Slut.


Bebe's Mom:Bebe, is something the matter?
Bebe:[turns and faces her mom] Oh Mom, it's just... My girlfriends at school said some really mean things to me today. [faces the window again and rests her head on her right hand] They called me a slut, with a huge gaping vagina.
Bebe's Mom:[approaches] Oh, sweetie. You're all just growing up. [begins to stroke Bebe's hair] Part of being a woman is having a friend one day and calling her a slut the next.
Bebe:But am I slutty just because I'm beginning to be friends with guys? I mean, they just like me because they think I'm smart and cool.
Bebe:I remember when I was a little girl the boys didn't think I was very smart at all. But then one day, they all started thinking I was really smart. I guess big smarts just run in our family.
Bebe:Well if the girls don't wanna be my friend, that's fine! [rests her head on her hands] Guys are way cooler, anyways.


Wendy:What are you doing?!
Clyde:We're tryin' to get Bebe to run for class president.
Wendy:I'm class president! The vote was last fall!
Craig:Well, yeah, but Wendy, you have to admit, Bebe's a lot smarter and more organized than you.
Token:[gushing] Yeah. We need a leader like Bebe. She can teach us all so much.
The Other Boys:Uh huh.
Wendy:She's not smarter and cooler than everyone, you guys are just drawn to something else! [the boys just look at her]
Wendy:Ugh! God, you guys are sooo stupid! [walks away in a funk]
Butters:[puts his fists on his hips] Stupider than Bebe!
Butters:Huh Bebe's cool, huh. Huh, fellas?
Craig:Sure is!

Kyle:I can't wait to watch Terrance & Phillip with Bebe.
Stan:Yeah. [they arrive, but find four other boys arriving at the same time: Timmy, Kevin,Bradley and Francis ] Where are you guys going?
Bradley:We're going to see our friend Bebe.
Stan:Bebe is our friend. Didn't you all get the memo?
Francis:Bebe is everybody's friend.
Kevin:Yeah. God put Bebe on earth to enrich everyone's lives.
Stan:[steps forward and grunts] Hoh!
Kyle:[steps forward and grunts] Hoh hoh hoh!
Kevin:Arf arf!
Francis:Arf! [a few more grunts are heard]
Timmy:Arf! Ah Timmah! Timmah-ar-argh!
Stan:Aw alright, I guess we can all watch Terrance & Phillip together. [goes and knocks on the door]
Bebe's Mom:Oh, hello, boys.
Stan:Is Bebe home?
Bebe's Mom:No, she's with one of her little friends. But she should be back shortly if you boys wanna wait.
Bradley:Who is she with?
Bebe's Mom:I believe she is playing "Lambs" over at Eric Cartman's house.

Wendy:I'm so over Bebe..making the boys go crazy [she looks angry]
Marnie:I'm so fed up with Clyde too...he so left me for that slut.
Wendy:Stan Too. 
Marnie:[starts crying] I've had enough of this boob shit.

Right Breast:The boys are at war. All is going as planned.
Left Breast:Yes. Soon all the boys will be brought to their knees.
Right Breast:We grow larger every day.
Left Breast:And stronger.
Right Breast:Soon the entire tow- [Bebe awakens]
Left Breast:Sh! Sh! She's awake!
Right Breast:Ah, quiet.
Bebe:[shrieks and kicks her blanket off] MOM!! MOM!!
Mrs. Stevens:[rushes to Bebe's room and enters] What is it, Bebe?
Bebe:[scared] My breasts!
Mrs. Stevens:[approaches the bed, sits, and holds her] Oh, sweetheart, you're just becoming a young lady.
Bebe:No, they're conspiring! Mom, they were talking! They wanna destroy the town!
Mrs. Stevens:[beat] Yes, darling, your breasts have a power that will unleash itself as you get older. They feed off the misery of boys and grow to bring woe wherever they can. You're blossoming into a woman.[hugs her]
Bebe:That does it! I'm NOT letting these things run my life!

Mr. Mackey:M'kay. Kids, we need to talk about your failing grades.
Clyde:[in primal mode] Bebe! Where Bebe?! Bebe! Bebe! [he and a few others grunt a bit]
Mr. Mackey:M'kay, we all need to start studying more and fighting less, m'kay? [the grunts start up again]
Marnie:That's It...i had it with you Clyde. 
Stan:Ahta! [more grunts. Bebe enters wearing a cardboard box over her clothes. The boys quiet down]
Bebe:Hey guys. [a few boys grunt back with "Hi!!" "Hey." "Hm." as she heads for her seat. The boys are confused]
Craig:Have you guys noticed that Bebe isn't as cool as she used to be? [Bebe smiles at her uncoolness]
Token:Yeah. What the hell happened to us?
Stan:Oh my God. I get it now. It was Bebe's boobs.
Cartman:Bebe's boobs?
Bebe:Oh cool! It worked!
Stan:Don't you guys see? Boobs... do something to our brains. They fill our brains with illusions.
Kyle:Sssss-so ...Bebe ...didn't become smart and cool? It was just her boobs?
Cartman:So, Bebe is actually just as lame as she ever was?
Bebe:Right. My boobs just clouded your judgment.
Kyle:But that sucks. I don't want something to have that much power over me.
Stan:I don't think it will, you guys, as long as we realize it. We must learn to control their power over us.
Clyde:Yeah. Screw boobs! They're stupid!
Craig:I'm sorry for fighting, you guys. [all the boys leave their seats and start apologizing to each other, hugging each other]
Mr. Mackey:[moved by this display of affection] Aw, that's so sweet, m'kay?
Clyde:Let's never let boobs come between us again!
The Boys:Hear Hear!
Kyle:Boobs are stupid!
Wendy:[enters with her new, ample implants] Hi, everybody. [the boys look at her for a long while, then start laughing heartily. Wendy is stunned at the response]
Clyde:Look at those ridiculous things!
Butters:[steps up and touches the left breast] Oooo, they're all hard and oogey!
Cartman:What a stupid bitch! [the boys start laughing again. Butters is laughing hard, but realizes that his finger is still on Wendy's breast]
Wendy:Everything I just doesn't work out. [she looks at her boobs] I'm gonna go take these out...bye girls
Marnie:whatever i'm never going to forgive Clyde [she crosses her arms
Craig:[enters the room] Hey Mar...sorry if I ignored you for that lame Bebe...I never spoke to her ever till now..[he hugs her] 
Marnie:[she stops the tears but still is upset] thanks least you still spoke to me..while being some kind of ... well...whatever it was.
Craig:I have no idea. 

[clyde see's them concern, wendy goes takes her boobs out and forgives Stan...and bebe goes back to being her lame self]