Monday, July 15, 2013

Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society

Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society

Marnie:[texting craig..."sucks we are back in School today"] Can't believe we have to go back to school..I was enjoying my kinda Vacation. 
Kevin:Yeah same here....uh..why have you been talking to Craig something between you two or...[he pauses
Marnie:Ofcourse not...he wouldn't be interested in me...but we are actually good friends...and cute...but I'm with Clyde why would you think that [she says nervously] 
Kevin:[crosses arms] umm sure...if you say so
Kevin's Mum:Common Kids you gonna be late for the bus 
Kevin:Coming mom [he walks out Marnie's room] 
Marnie:[looks annoyed] STUPID SCHOOL! 

[South Park Elementary, Fourth Grade. The kids pour into the classroom, chattering. Wendy walks up and starts talking to Red and Jordan]

Wendy:I can't believe it's been two weeks since I've seen you guys. What have you been doing? [Bebe walks in]
Bebe:Hey guys.
Wendy:Hey Bebe.
Bebe:You guys uh, [holds out her arms] notice anything different? [looks down at her body]
Wendy:[the three girls gaze] Oh my God, Bebe. You got boobs.
Bebe:Yeah, they started coming in last week. At first I thought they were just mosquito bites, but, then they didn't go away.
Mr. Mackey:[enters the classroom and walks past the girls] M'kay kids, let's take our seats, m'kay? [the girls take their seats] I know this has been a difficult couple o'weeks for you all with the untimely death of your teacher, but it's time for us to try to move on and learn, m'kay?
Cartman:Mr. Mackey, I don't think I'm over the teacher's tragic death yet. I need more time. It's just... it still hurts, you know? Can I go home?
Mr. Mackey:No. Eric, what we're gonna do is learn to hide our emotions with math problems. [turns, grabs some chalk, and starts writing on the board] M'kay, so let's start with some multiplication tables over here, m'kay. First we'll do uh, four time four, m'kay?
Kyle:Dude, look at Bebe. ["We'll move into the five times thing" Bebe is busy taking notes. "We'll try five time three..."] Something seems different about her.
Stan:Yeah, I noticed that too. Did she get a haircut or something?
Kyle:I don't know. [Bebe continues writing]
Clyde:Hey Token. You know, I never noticed before, but that girl Bebe is... kinda cool.
Token:I was just thinking the same thing. It's like, she's a girl, but, she's someone you could hang out with.
Butters:[pipes up behind Jordan] Yeah. Bebe is kinda cool, huh? [Bebe continues writing]
Cartman:Hey Craig, is that the same shirt that that Bebe chick always wears?
Craig:I don't know. Why?
Cartman:It just... it just seems like a really awesome shirt.
Craig:Yeah. It kinda does. [Bebe continues writing, but stops and looks to her right. All the boys are looking at her, all the girls look at the board.]
Mr. Mackey:Okay, and so uh, [Bebe is looking back, wondering why the boys keep staring at her] so who can tell me the answer to the first problem, six times eight? Uh, Bebe?
Bebe::[breaks the stare and answers] Oh, uh, forty-eight?
All the boys:Whoa.
Clyde:That is an awesome answer!
All the boys:Yeah!
Kyle:Dude! Bebe is really smart!
Stan:Yeah. I never noticed that before. Maybe she's actually cool enough to hang out with us.
Cartman:Yeah, may be.

South Park Elementary, later. Three girls walk to class: Wendy, Bebe, and Red. Wendy is talking

Wendy:...And I was like, "I'm not buying those shoes for twenty dollars." [the girls stop and giggle]
Stan:[arriving with a group of boys: Kyle, Cartman, Token, Butters, Tweek, and Clyde] Ah, hey, Bebe.
Stan:Uh, we're gonna throw rocks at cars later on, and we thought maybe you'd like to join us.
Bebe:Really? [Wendy and Red look at her] I've never done that before.
Butters:[Stan and Kyle part a bit for a better view] Wuuhh, it's really fun.You toss these little rocks at cars, and if the driver gets angry, you blame me.
Kyle:Yeah, it's cool.
Bebe:Why sure, that sounds hellafun.
The boys:Hahahahahaha...
Cartman:Right, heh.
Clyde:Wow, hellafun. That's awesome.
Token:I'm gonna start saying that now.
Stan:Cool. [the boys turn as one and walk back the way the came] We'll see you later, Bebe.
Wendy:[Wendy catches up to Stan. The boys are grinning. Stan stops and looks]</> Stan, you've never asked me to throw rocks at cars with you guys.
Stan:That's different, dude. You're like, my girlfriend. Bebe's just... I don't know. She's just cool. [turns and walks off]
Kyle:[looks over his shoulder] Yeah. She's really cool. [Wendy gets upset]
Clyde:It's weird how we never noticed before. [Wendy looks back at Bebe, who just shrugs]


Marnie:Kinda pissed we are back at school. 
Craig:Yeah same....
Clyde:[Clyde walks by] Hey we going to throw rocks at cars ..
Craigsure...sounds like fun. [he walks off with the boys]
Marnie[looks annoyed] You gotta be kidding me. 
WendyThe are want to be with Bebe now [she looks annoyed aswell] 
[A hill just outside of town. The boys and Bebe are gathered at the summit]

Stan:So what you do, see, is wait for a car to drive by that big pine tree. Then you chuck a rock at it. It's all about the timing. [he throws a rock towards the road and the others look at the trajectory. A blue pick-up truck drives by and is hit.]
Driver:You damn kids!
Clyde:You try it, Bebe.
Token:Here comes a sedan. [Bebe throws a rock at the red sedan and hits it]
Driver:You damn kids!
The boys:Awesome!
Butters:Cool! [close up] That was the most perfect throw I've ever seen.
Kyle:That was sweet, Bebe. [shows her another rock and another grip] Now, if you just hold the rock like this, you-
Clyde:Yeah. [grabs a hold of the rock and pulls it a bit] Here, it's like if you put your thumb on this side-
Kyle:[pulls back] I'm showing her.
Clyde:[pulls back] Yeah, just let me show her real quick how to put the thumb and-
Kyle:[gives an ape look and smacks Clyde, who lets go of the rock] Hoh!
Clyde:[grunts back and moves off] Hoh hoh hoh! [Bebe is stunned at this development]
Kyle:Hoh! [watches, then reverts to normal and talks to Bebe. Stan moves in] Anyways, you put a spin on it by holding it here and-
Stan:[grabs the rock and demonstrates] Yeah, and then you can actually hold it like this. Now-
Kyle:[peeved] Hoh! Hoh hoh hoh hoh! [Bebe backs up, scared]
Stan:Hoh hoh hoh!
Kyle:Hah hah hah!
Craig:[beats his chest] Urh urh urh! [all the boys start grunting and displaying agression]
Bebe:Uh. Listen guys, uh, It's five-thirty. I'm supposed to get home, so... I'll see you later. [leaves. The boys continue grunting and putting on displays. She walks faster the farther she moves from the boys. The boys notice her absence and stop]
Stan:[beat] ...Wait, what were we doing again?
Kyle:We were throwing rocks at cars.
The boys:Oh yeah.
Butters:[points] Uh here comes an SUV. [Token throws a rock and hits the SUV]
Jimbo:You damn kids!


The boys:Hi, Bebe.
Bebe:Hey everybody.
Wendy:[rolls her eyes and rest her head on her right hand] Oh, for Christ's sake!
Mr. Mackey:[arriving, puts his textbooks on the teacher's desk] M'kay. Kids, I asked you to write a paper to read aloud for the class. Now, who want to start? [no one volunteers] M'kay, class.
Clyde:[picks up his paper and starts] My paper is called, "Why Bebe is the coolest person, ever."
Stan:Hey, that's what I wrote about!
Butters:Me too!
Clyde:[grunts] Hoh!
Stan:[grunts and pounds his desk] Hah hah, hah! [the other boys start grunting like apes.] Uuuuh-okay. Go ahead, Clyde.
Clyde:[glowers at Stan, then reads] "My friend Bebe is really smart. She tells funny jokes and knows a lot about stuff. She's good at almost everything she tries. She's awesome. The end." [some applause]
Mr. Mackey:M'kay, very nice, Clyde. Uh, Token, why don't you read your paper?
Token:[picks up his paper and reads] "If I could be Bebe." [Wendy is miffed and rolls her eyes] "If I was Bebe I would have lots of friends because I would be sooo great. I would make people smile and think wherever I went."
Mr. Mackey:[takes a moment to think, then] M'kay, interesting, Token, Uh... Who would like to go next? [the rest of the boys raise their hands energetically and make small sounds to get Mackey's attention]Uh how about someone who didn't write about how cool Bebe is?
The boys:[softly] Oh. [they lower their hands. Bebe raises hers]
Mr. Mackey:M'kay, Bebe?
Bebe:[picks up her paper and reads] "My cat Thumper."
The boys:Wwooww.
Bebe:[sees the reaction and continues reading] "Thumper is gray with a white spot. Sometimes he likes to chase his tail. [the boys break out in laughter]
Clyde:Chase his tail? That must be so funny?
Bebe:"Thumper is twelve years old. That's pretty old for a cat. The end."
The boys:Wwooww!
Cartman:God, you know what, that's so true? Because, you sometimes never really think about how old a pet is until it's gone.
Craig:That's true, huh? Man, that makes me really reflect on my pet.
Stan:That's such a great paper! [starts clapping. The other boys join in the applause]
Mr. Mackey:M'kay. Wendy, why don't we hear your paper?
Wendy:[picks up her paper and reads] "The new Cold War"
Cartman:Oh God! Here we go again! Dork alert! [the boys crack up]


MarnieHey Clyde...was wondering if [clyde talks over her] 
Clyde:Sorry..busy...I'm hanging with bebe tonight.
Marnie:[gets tears in her eyes] whatever asshole.
Craig:[walks up] Your ...umm still my favourite female [he walks off]
At Wendy's Lunch Table
Wendy:But, then the mall closes at four or five o'clock, so who knows w-
Clyde:[arrives with Kyle, Token, Craig,Bradley and Francis] Have any of you dumb girls seen Bebe anywhere?
Wendy:[angrily] No!
Kyle:Maybe she's in the lunch line.
The boys:Yeah.
Wendy:Can you believe Bebe? She thinks she's so cool all of a sudden.
Millie:I can't stand her anymore! She's such a slut!
Esther:She's a total slut!
Red:You know what I heard? I heard that she made out with eight different boys in one minute.
Millie:I heard that she lifted her shirt to the boys at the bus stop.
Wendy:I heard that her asshole is this big around. [makes a hole with her hands, thumb touching thumb, the other fingers touching their counterparts on the other hand]
Millie and Esther :Wwooww.
Bebe:[comes into view] Hey guys.
Wendy:Oh, hey Bebe. [fakes a clearing throat] Slut. [again] Slut.
Millie:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Esther:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Millie:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Bebe:...You guys still wanna go ice-skating after school?
Wendy:Oh, no, that's okay Bebe. You might trip and then we'd be sucked into your huge gaping vagina like ants into a vacuum cleaner. [fakes a clearing throat] Slut. [again] Slut.
Millie:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Esther:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Red:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut.
Millie:[fakes a clearing throat] Slut. [the girls take their trays and leave, giggling]
Girls:[out of view] Whore. Slut. Slut.


Bebe's Mom:Bebe, is something the matter?
Bebe:[turns and faces her mom] Oh Mom, it's just... My girlfriends at school said some really mean things to me today. [faces the window again and rests her head on her right hand] They called me a slut, with a huge gaping vagina.
Bebe's Mom:[approaches] Oh, sweetie. You're all just growing up. [begins to stroke Bebe's hair] Part of being a woman is having a friend one day and calling her a slut the next.
Bebe:But am I slutty just because I'm beginning to be friends with guys? I mean, they just like me because they think I'm smart and cool.
Bebe:I remember when I was a little girl the boys didn't think I was very smart at all. But then one day, they all started thinking I was really smart. I guess big smarts just run in our family.
Bebe:Well if the girls don't wanna be my friend, that's fine! [rests her head on her hands] Guys are way cooler, anyways.


Wendy:What are you doing?!
Clyde:We're tryin' to get Bebe to run for class president.
Wendy:I'm class president! The vote was last fall!
Craig:Well, yeah, but Wendy, you have to admit, Bebe's a lot smarter and more organized than you.
Token:[gushing] Yeah. We need a leader like Bebe. She can teach us all so much.
The Other Boys:Uh huh.
Wendy:She's not smarter and cooler than everyone, you guys are just drawn to something else! [the boys just look at her]
Wendy:Ugh! God, you guys are sooo stupid! [walks away in a funk]
Butters:[puts his fists on his hips] Stupider than Bebe!
Butters:Huh Bebe's cool, huh. Huh, fellas?
Craig:Sure is!

Kyle:I can't wait to watch Terrance & Phillip with Bebe.
Stan:Yeah. [they arrive, but find four other boys arriving at the same time: Timmy, Kevin,Bradley and Francis ] Where are you guys going?
Bradley:We're going to see our friend Bebe.
Stan:Bebe is our friend. Didn't you all get the memo?
Francis:Bebe is everybody's friend.
Kevin:Yeah. God put Bebe on earth to enrich everyone's lives.
Stan:[steps forward and grunts] Hoh!
Kyle:[steps forward and grunts] Hoh hoh hoh!
Kevin:Arf arf!
Francis:Arf! [a few more grunts are heard]
Timmy:Arf! Ah Timmah! Timmah-ar-argh!
Stan:Aw alright, I guess we can all watch Terrance & Phillip together. [goes and knocks on the door]
Bebe's Mom:Oh, hello, boys.
Stan:Is Bebe home?
Bebe's Mom:No, she's with one of her little friends. But she should be back shortly if you boys wanna wait.
Bradley:Who is she with?
Bebe's Mom:I believe she is playing "Lambs" over at Eric Cartman's house.

Wendy:I'm so over Bebe..making the boys go crazy [she looks angry]
Marnie:I'm so fed up with Clyde too...he so left me for that slut.
Wendy:Stan Too. 
Marnie:[starts crying] I've had enough of this boob shit.

Right Breast:The boys are at war. All is going as planned.
Left Breast:Yes. Soon all the boys will be brought to their knees.
Right Breast:We grow larger every day.
Left Breast:And stronger.
Right Breast:Soon the entire tow- [Bebe awakens]
Left Breast:Sh! Sh! She's awake!
Right Breast:Ah, quiet.
Bebe:[shrieks and kicks her blanket off] MOM!! MOM!!
Mrs. Stevens:[rushes to Bebe's room and enters] What is it, Bebe?
Bebe:[scared] My breasts!
Mrs. Stevens:[approaches the bed, sits, and holds her] Oh, sweetheart, you're just becoming a young lady.
Bebe:No, they're conspiring! Mom, they were talking! They wanna destroy the town!
Mrs. Stevens:[beat] Yes, darling, your breasts have a power that will unleash itself as you get older. They feed off the misery of boys and grow to bring woe wherever they can. You're blossoming into a woman.[hugs her]
Bebe:That does it! I'm NOT letting these things run my life!

Mr. Mackey:M'kay. Kids, we need to talk about your failing grades.
Clyde:[in primal mode] Bebe! Where Bebe?! Bebe! Bebe! [he and a few others grunt a bit]
Mr. Mackey:M'kay, we all need to start studying more and fighting less, m'kay? [the grunts start up again]
Marnie:That's It...i had it with you Clyde. 
Stan:Ahta! [more grunts. Bebe enters wearing a cardboard box over her clothes. The boys quiet down]
Bebe:Hey guys. [a few boys grunt back with "Hi!!" "Hey." "Hm." as she heads for her seat. The boys are confused]
Craig:Have you guys noticed that Bebe isn't as cool as she used to be? [Bebe smiles at her uncoolness]
Token:Yeah. What the hell happened to us?
Stan:Oh my God. I get it now. It was Bebe's boobs.
Cartman:Bebe's boobs?
Bebe:Oh cool! It worked!
Stan:Don't you guys see? Boobs... do something to our brains. They fill our brains with illusions.
Kyle:Sssss-so ...Bebe ...didn't become smart and cool? It was just her boobs?
Cartman:So, Bebe is actually just as lame as she ever was?
Bebe:Right. My boobs just clouded your judgment.
Kyle:But that sucks. I don't want something to have that much power over me.
Stan:I don't think it will, you guys, as long as we realize it. We must learn to control their power over us.
Clyde:Yeah. Screw boobs! They're stupid!
Craig:I'm sorry for fighting, you guys. [all the boys leave their seats and start apologizing to each other, hugging each other]
Mr. Mackey:[moved by this display of affection] Aw, that's so sweet, m'kay?
Clyde:Let's never let boobs come between us again!
The Boys:Hear Hear!
Kyle:Boobs are stupid!
Wendy:[enters with her new, ample implants] Hi, everybody. [the boys look at her for a long while, then start laughing heartily. Wendy is stunned at the response]
Clyde:Look at those ridiculous things!
Butters:[steps up and touches the left breast] Oooo, they're all hard and oogey!
Cartman:What a stupid bitch! [the boys start laughing again. Butters is laughing hard, but realizes that his finger is still on Wendy's breast]
Wendy:Everything I just doesn't work out. [she looks at her boobs] I'm gonna go take these out...bye girls
Marnie:whatever i'm never going to forgive Clyde [she crosses her arms
Craig:[enters the room] Hey Mar...sorry if I ignored you for that lame Bebe...I never spoke to her ever till now..[he hugs her] 
Marnie:[she stops the tears but still is upset] thanks least you still spoke to me..while being some kind of ... well...whatever it was.
Craig:I have no idea. 

[clyde see's them concern, wendy goes takes her boobs out and forgives Stan...and bebe goes back to being her lame self] 

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