Child Abduction is Not Funny
At the Stoley Kevin's Parent's are watching the news about Child Abduction...during the time Tweek was flicking through like a scared rabbit.
TV: And it seems there's a new danger to look out for: children who are taken by strangers. The bottom line: children are not safe... in their own homes!
Kevin: What Do You Mean? We ain't safe in our own house.
Marnie: It's all bull crap, trying to scare us and make news....uh I hope [she says nervously]
Kevin: Lets...just hope so ay.
Ms Stoely: It's time for bed kids.
Later That Night In Marnie's Bedroom.
It's nighttime and Marnie is has a nightmare about every adult got taken away by aliens then all the kids get abducted by zombies
Marnie: [wakes up] w..what the hell? [she gets out of bed and heads into kitchen to get a glass of water, it's 2pm in the middle of the night and she hears police cars outside her street] whaa? [she runs outside and see's everyone in town outside there house in their Pjs.]
Officer: Alright Johnson, give it up!
Ghost Of Human Kindness: [strikes his scepter to the ground with each expletive] Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! [four officers close in with guns drawn. Tweek steps aside] Oh, I was so close!
Tweek: What the hell is going on?
Ms Tweek: Tweek, Tweek, are you okay?
Richard: Did he hurt you, son?
Tweek: No.
Detective: Then we aren't too late. His name is Frederick Johnson. He's been abducting children by dressing up like the Ghost of Human Kindness for over a year now.
Ghost Of Human Kindness: And I would have gotten away with it again if it weren't for you meddling policemen!
Liane: What's going on?
Sharon: A stranger was caught trying to abduct the Tweek boy.
Shelia: the Broflovskis arrive in their pajamas] An abductor in our town?
Tom: Oh my God, what are we gonna do?
Marnie: [walks up to Kevin, Craig & Clyde] w-what is happening?
Kevin: I don't know...the news guy was right.
Craig: That sucks.
Clyde: Yeah and he tried to rape and take Tweek into his van.
Marnie: Oh my god...poor Tweek
Tom: Son...we are going can talk to your little friends tomorrow.
Craig: ok.

The next day...the parents gave everyone child tracker to wear on there heads when they ain't home...later on that day the boys come back to a baseball game with no team...the boys are annoyed but the parents are all having a good time.
Jimbo: [raises a mug of beer] South Park Cows do it again!
Sharon: Congratulations on your victory, boys. [Cartman is already eating a slice of pizza]
Kyle: Dude, we weren't playing anybody.
Randy: Yeah, and you kicked ass!
Roger: Isn't it awesome havin' a great wall around our city? Nobody in town except for our good friends.
Richard: [calling attention to the TV] Guys! Sh, quiet everyone. [the news is on]
TV NEWS: in gray jacket] And this newest study reveals more about child abductions than we apparently knew before, Tom. [the adults move closer to the TV]
Sharon: Turn it up.
TV Tom: That's right, Chris. This newest study shows that the majority of child abductions are NOT committed by strangers, but by somebody the child knows in their own town. [the adults start looking at the others around them, at each other.] The report further states that it is because the child trusts the individual that problems occur in the first place.
TV Chris: Well, I guess this means the enemy is in our own backyard, so to speak.
TV Tom: Sure does, Tom.
TV Chris: Alright, thanks, Chris. Is the weather going to turn su- [click. The parents go to their kids and they depart one by one]
Richard: Well, if you'll all excuse us, I think we'll be going now. [takes Tweek, and the family leaves. Stan, Kyle, and Cartman remain, eating]
Gerald: [walks up] Yeah. Come along, Kyle [the Broflovskis leave. Stan and Cartman remain]
Sharon: Stanley, time for us to get back to the house.
Stan: [mouth full] I'm not done with my pizza.
Sharon: NOW, Stanley!
Roger: Yes come along Clyde [he grabs clyde]
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It's the night afterwards and Craig is hanging out with Marnie, watching Red Racer, while there parents are home...
Craig: wow now that was a good episode.
Marnie: have'nt you seen it before?
Craig: 5 times [Marnie laughs]
Tom: Craig...your friend's parents want her home right now.
Craig: guys are dumb.
Tom: Craig...we are doing this for your safety, do you want her parents to take you away and abduct you.
Marnie: WHAT? they wouldn't do that...
Tom: it's for Craig and your safety.
Marnie: I suppose...i'll be leaving...see ya Craig [she walks out the door, and heads home]
Craig: [craig glares at his dad] Dude...I'm trying to impress this chick you..see and [Tom just stops him before he can finish]
Tom: CRAIG! just go up to your room and lock all the windows.
[South Park Elementary. The bell rings and the class begins. Mr. Mackey is at the board. ] |
Mr Mackey: M'kay, kids, so, now, who can tell me what year the first moon landing took place? [a shot of the class with all parents present] Uh, how about you, Clyde?
Roger: whispers into Clyde's ear] Nineteen six-
Mr Mackey: No helping! [Roger looks around, embarrassed, and stands up] M'kay, I'm not really sure havin' all the parents here is a good idea, m'kay?
Richard: Well, maybe things could be better if we could trust people like the Stotches!
Chris: Us? Your family's all be the shifty-eyed ones!
Richard: Oh Yeah? [the parents start to ague]
Mr Mackey: Oh, this is too much to take. [goes to his desk, where his own parents wait, and sits down.] Mom, Dad, could you please leave me alone?
Mr Mackey's Dad: We just wanna make sure nobody hurts you, Junior, m'kay?
Mr Mackey: M'kay.
South Park, next day. The families gather on a neighborhood street. The parents are hugging their kids
Randy: [hands Stan some money] Here you go, Stanley. This should hold you over for three years.
Stan: But why do I have to leave?
Randy: The news says that at your age you aren't safe with us, son. You have to get out of here before we abduct you.
Sharon: Good-bye, son. [hugs Stan and sobs softly] Remember to eat right.
Gerald: [wistfully] Look out for your brother, Kyle. You're the man now.
Sheila: Oh, boys! Don't ever forget that we love you! [Gerald hugs Kyle, Sheila hugs Ike. They begin to cry, and the other adults follow. They leave their kids and huddle, then turn around, crying all the while]
Linda: Be careful out there!
Stan: Where are we supposed to go?
Randy: We can't tell you because we can't know where you are! [turns back to cry with Sharon]
Sheila: Oh, this is terrible!
Roger: Go on, kids! Go! Go and don't look back! [turns and hugs his wife. The adults are bawling now. Token is the first to leave, and the other kids follow him]
Randy: Good-bye, kids. We'll... never forget you. [the adults continue crying. Chris pulls out a ram's horn and blows into it a few times]
Stan: Dude, sometimes I think our parents are really stupid.
Kyle: Sometimes....dude our parents are always stupid [the kids all walk together down the street]
Marnie: dude i'm more afraid being out in the streets..
Craig: Don't worry...i'll look out for you *he smiles*
[Clyde glares at them while they arrive to a big wall that is surrounding south park, and see a bunch of Mongolian's]
Clyde: who are they? [he says to Token]
Token: I don't know..they look like Mongolians.
Clyde: What the fuck is a mongolian?
Token: I...I don't know.
Butters: I..don't like the look of them fallers.
[stan walks up to them and they start talking in a strange kinda language]
2 days LATER.
The Monogolians and the kids are in a circle around a fire...roasting animals and eating them, they seem to be able to learn Monoglian in the past 2 days
Leader: Tah tane da ke ab kahleh kalabush.
Stan: Bi ologad bag, big nan dastai. [the Mongolians laugh]
Mongolian: [in blue] De bandig baeakhalah?
Cartman: Tawya mea pleda cleah bleah.
Tweek: Triben fak burushban.
All: Shain balag!
Clyde: [whispers to craig] what the hell are they talking about?
Craig: I don't know
Token: I think they want us to help team destroy the wall.
Clyde: oh.
[The boys go grab a bunch of bombs and helping the Mongolians collect a bunch of fireworks, while the girls stand back and watch them]
Marnie: girls...i'm scared of loud blowing up sounds.
Wendy: me too.
Bebe: luckily we can keep out of it.
Pre school girl: I WANNA GO HOME [she starts crying]
[while Thoung is being all retarded like and resumes his dance. Seeing Tuong engrossed in his dance, the children move some explosives to a spot against the wall. Token peeks to make sure everything is in place. The kids then walk back to the Mongolians, past Tuong...]
Tuong: Oh Crap. [the explosives blow up, knocking Tuong towards the Mongolians and leaving a big gap in the wall. The kids and the Mongolians have a good laugh. The adults in town come to see the commotion]
Randy: | What's going on? |
Liane: | I heard an explosion. |
Tuong: | [battered, comes into view] God-damned Mongolians attacked city wall again! [The kids and the Mongolians have a good laugh again.] |
Man in Back: | Mongolians? |
Randy: | What the hell are they doin' here?! Rabble! Rabble rabble! |
Adults: | Rabble rabble rabble rabble! |
Richard: | Wait a minute. Those Mongolians are... our children. [a shot of the kids and Mongolians] |
Sheila: | Ike? Kyle? |
Sharon: | My son has become a Mongolian? No! Noooo!! [buries her head in Randy's chest] |
Richard: | Oh God. What have we done? We sent our children away, and now they don't even remember who they are. |
Mr. Donovan: | Kids? Don't you remember us? |
Randy: | Wait wait. I learned some Mongolian in college. [steps forth] Ah, let's see. Uh. K-kids, uh, Bi kute. Bi salnek kute. Uh-d tah tasobarro. |
Stan: | ["Budu e noo"] Oh my God, our parents are so stupid, dude. [squeezes his eyes shut and buries his face in his right hand] |
Randy: | Bi kute. |
Mr. Donovan: | We are your parents. You used to live here, with us. |
Kyle: | Yeah, it was like four days ago! |
Richard: | They're starting to remember. |
Randy: | [walks quickly and kneels next to Stan] Staaan. Your name... is Staaan! |
Stan: | Uh huh, Stan Marsh. |
Randy: | [holds Stan firmly] That's it! Remember, son! Rememmmber! [the rest of the parents rush out and hug their own kids, crying in relief] |
Richard: | We're sorry, Tweek! |
Mr. Donovan: | Are you okay, Clyde? |
Chris: | [Butters' parents hug the wrong person - the Mongolian leader] Oh, son, can you ever forgive us? |
Butters: | Huh, I'm over here, Dad. |
Chris: | Oh. [he and Linda rush to hug him] |
Sheila: | We're sorry, kids. We just let all those sensationalist news reports go to our heads. |
Richard: | Oh my God, do you see what this means? The Ghost of Human Kindness was right all along. |
Mr. Donovan: | You mean how he said we should trust each other, or how he abducted children? |
Richard: | The uh... no, the part about being more trusting. We should follow what he said, not what he did. |
Adults: | Wow, yeah. Oh yeah. |
Randy: | No, no. You know who was right all along? The Mongolians. [a shot of the Mongolians] They knew that you just can't wall yourself off from the outside world. Putting walls up never helps anything. Tearing them down brings us together. |
Adults: | Whoa! Wow. Right! |
Chris: | Yeah, the Mongolians were right. Yeah. |
Tuong: | Aw, you'd better not say what I think you're gonna say. |
Mayor McDaniels: | Mr. Lu Kim, tear down this wall! |
Tuong: | Oh, God! I hate this whole shitty! |
Sharon: | Randy, can we just take our son home now? |
Randy: | Yes, kids. [steps forward] With us, now come. Home. Hoomme. [all turn and walk towards town through the gap in the great wall] |
Stan: | [to Kyle] Jesus Christ, dude, they've done some stupid crap before, but Jesus Christ. [faces forward and continues walking] |
The End!
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