Sunday, July 14, 2013

The New Girl: Debut

*Bell Rings*

Mr. Garrison: Hello class, today we have a new student joining us

Kids: awwwwww,

Garrison: now class, be nice, this is a female student, that is exchange student from Australia, she has moved in with Kevin’s family until she finishs school, so i want you guys to make her feel welcome.

Wendy: WOW Cool, a female

Bebe: Yeah, and shes from Australia

Garrison: all say hello to “marnie”

Marnie: Sup, um yeah. 

Garrison: Go Sit between Craig & Wendy, and we go on with out study on why Justin Bieber is totally gay & lame, alway class

(as Mr Garrison goes on about bieber in class)

Wendy: So hey, your from Australia Right, thats soooooo cool, i always wanted to go there.

Me: yeah, well its kinda lame, im glad i got out of there, this place seems pretty cool

while the class is ignoring Mr Garrison since school totally suck ass, Clyde whispers to token, 

Clyde: Do you think, she’ll talk to me?

Token: Who, what are you on about?

Clyde: The new girl, she’s so cuuuuuuuute  i wanna go on dates to taco bell.

Token: wow cool dude, good for you, im sure she will, you should ask her out after class. during lunch break..shes new im sure she wouldnt mind.

clyde sits between craig & cartman, as in i sat between craig and wendy….

the seating was awkward….since Cartman was a bit too close to her.

Cartman: Oh great, a stupid australia with her stupid accent, ay kid, i mean bitch please we don’t need you doing ur steve **** on us….

Marnie: What?


Everyone just looked in shock since he is normally the quiet one when it comes to class…

Cartman: AY DON”T CALL ME FAT GOD DAMN IT, at least i have balls you asshole.

since clyde apparently has one testicular he got really embarrassed.

Clyde: um **** you (whispers: dude shut up)

clyde thorws a pen at cartman, but ended up flying right past him and hit Craig in the head.

Craig: Dude, **** You…(flips off)

Clyde: sorry….umm…cough

Craig: i aint ****ing giving it back to you, its like the 10th time this week dude.

Stan & Kyle: Wow, theirs a lot of **** going on, this new chick may be pretty cool said stan, kyle agreed. ”yes dude, i know, though i dont really give a rats ass about girls” kyle yelled Stan gave him a werid look “dude you gay?” he said with a worried look, ”ah no, dude what the hell” kyle said nervously.

At Lunch Break In School (Same Day)

Wendy & Bebe walked down the hall, and bumped into the girl girl

Wendy: hey, wanna hang out with us after school, we can show you the coolest places to hang out.

Bebe: yeah girl, and the best clothes shops in town

Marnie: Oh really, cool, sounds fun, i would love to, since i need to see this town.

she says very quietly

Wendy & Bebe Walk into the girls bathroom

Suddleny the hottest boy in class, who throws pens around the room comes walking up to her, her heart beated fast, as secreatly she adored him , was this love at first site?

Clyde: so….um hi…im clyde and like tacos, yah i guess you know that um..hi

he blabs on.

Marnie: hii…..(blushes)

she was too scared to even say hi , but it came out like a little mouse.

Clyde: i know we dont really know eachother, well we just meet, but i was wondering if ya would like to go to taco bell with me tomorrow night, since they have having a big thing..

Marnie: wow you really love tacos, i like them too, probably not as much as you *giggles* sure i’ll love to come 

Clyde: OMG, i mean cool, so ill see you then *he winks*

Clyde walks on and bumps into craig, which was bad since craig was kinda pissed off at him, after having a whole week with his pen drama.

Craig: boo

As he walks past..

Craig: So new girl, are you gonna be clyde new play toy?

Marnie: Wait what? play toy, dont tell me…..his one of those

Craig: yes, his a ****ing duck head who throws pens, and yes his always has a girl to flirt with, kinda makes me sick.

Marnie,: oo damn, i mean thanks for the warning i guess

and walks off pissed off

“God Damn it Why does that alway happen” she yelled.

Craig: dude i was only kidding about the play toy think, hmm why do people take me seriously ****.


Kevin: hey , so i wanna greet you to everyone, 

(he said to marnie)

(he pulls along, and goes to his little gang)

Kevin: So This is Bradley, Jason, Bill & Tweek.

Marnie: Oh hey everyone,

Bradley: welcome to south park, i noticed you gonna be here for a few years, this is great, its like Kevin having a sister

Marnie: geez, thanks , and yes i guess, its kinda like having a bro, which is cool 

(Kevin Smiled)

Bill: South Park Is Gay..

Kevin: yeah, well…your gay

Marnie: dude, can i talk to you, i need to ask question about some of them you’ll know ****.

Kevin: Yeah Sure…whats up.

Marnie: Ok so whats with the cool side, i mean like clyde and all.

Kevin: oh Clyde his one of my best friends, his a sweet kid, you want to meet him too?

Marnie: no i have, but whats his deal, Single? Player?

Kevin: i think his single, i know we was on about you during class, which i should of just told you, since now his gonna totally kick my ass.

Marnie: oh really, aww so sweet. 

Kevin: you like him? man you been here only a day.

Marnie: never said i did 

(craig walked over)

(marnie whispers oh great him, his an ass)

Kevin: Yah, well not really his kinda a loner.

Craig: i heard that you buttpipe. 

Kevin: What do you want, loner

Craig: **** You, i need to talk to the new girl, really quick.

Marnie: What’s Up?

Craig pulls her away to where th goth kids hang out (which aint there yet)

Craig: dude, i was only kidding about the clyde thing, its cause i hate him…and he annoys me.

Marnie: oh ok? then why take it out on me before.

Craig: cause your stupid to even like a buttpipe…dude his the biggest ****ing crybaby loser dork ever.

Marnie: so you really hate him?

Craig: no dude, his my best friend, i just ****ing cant stand him, its kinda like Kyle and cartman fat whole.

Marnie: Who?

Craig: you’ll know soon, give it a week, but want to let you know, your pretty cool, i didnt really mean to say **** ****….

craig walks off “dude, ill see you in class tomorrow, im so wagging last Period” craig yelled out.

That Evening*

Wendy & Bebe where giving the new girl Marnie, a tour to the mall where they

Bebe: here it is, the best place in south park...the mall

Wendy: yah you can get everything half price, its so totally cool

Marnieyou can stuff cheap? like what ****s.

she said as a joke while seeing ****s with their butts and boobs popping out, they look like they were in 2nd grade.

wendy & bebe laughed

Bebe: no silly, well i guess yes too, but theirs the biggest sale going at hot jeans, the best shoes, outfits omg so exciting

bebe was screaming while walking into the store

Bebeomg wendy, check it out

wendy walked up, while they looked at this really ugly yellow skirt

Wendy: OMG thats soooooo cute, 10 bucks wow, so getting pair of those.

marnie rolled her eyes and walked up to the hot topic, where they sold heaps of goth clothes, black boots and leather jackets

Marnie: nice, now this is what i call, neat.

as she walked around, she saw the hottest outfit ever.

Marnie: OMG, thats ****ing awesome.

Saleswomen: hello dear, how may i help you?

Marnie: oh sweet, umm, i was wondering how much this awesome skirt was?

Saleswoman: 500 bucks

Marnie: wait WHAT? i thought their was a awesome sale going, dont tell me this is it.

Saleswoman: no the sale is next door at hot Jeans

Marnie: you gotta be kidding me, that store has like ugly things.

saleswomen: designed all those outfits:

Marnie: oh ****, i apologize, why do you work here then?

saleswomen: why the hell would i work in the shop my clothes sell in? + i shop here to annoy all the ***** goth kids that walk in here.

marnie slowly walks out of hot topic, kinda scared that the shop keeper was gonna kill her, she had whole red hair & eyes..

Back at hot jean

wendy & bebe were changing clothes in the clothes room

Bebe: omg this outfit looks so cute on me.

she yelled across the change room

suddnely a boy from class, wearing a orange coat that coverd his face, yes Kenny
kenny sneaked into the girls change room


Wendy: EWWWW kenny you ****ing peeve, how did you get in here

Kenny: mmm mmf mmm ma

Bebe: GET OUT!

Kenny: mmm mmf mmu (**** you)

as kenny & the girls started yelling at eachother, marnie walks in


Marnie: hey Kenny.

Kenny: hhhy,, mmm wmm mmf mm a mmm

Marnie: *giggles* lol how dare you bebe, not letting him seeing you nude *giggles*

Bebe: shut up bitch, let him see you, im outta here

bebe walked to the cash dude and payed for her items and stomped out

Marnie: What the F, i was joking.....jesus ****.

Wendy: she takes things seriously, and secretly shes a *****, anyways come to my house, we can have a girls fight, and no kenny you cant come.

Kenny: awwwwwwwwwwwwww


(wendy's house)

later that night, wendy & marnie at a girls night

Wendy: so then im like noooo way, and then shes like yes way and yeah.

wendy rubbles on and on and on

knock knock*

Wendy: [COLOR="rgb(255, 192, 203)"]come in[/COLOR]

Wendys mumhey, wendy your little friend should be home, i got a ph call from the kevin's parents

Marnie: oh crap, am i in trouble

marnie walks out the room

Marnie: ]ill see you on monday i guess

Wendy:BYE, why she get in trouble?

Wendy's mum: shes not, you are young ladie, what did i tell you not to bullie, poor little dog poo went home crying.

Wendy: i said no, to him asking me out, i have boyfriend, and i let him down nicely honest

Wendy mums: hope so, his downstars right now

Wendy: ewwww why? i mean why?

Wendys mum: so you can apologize

wendy & her mother walked down, dog poo was sitting in the kitchen waiting for her, 

Dog Poo: hii, umm your mother told me to come.

Wendy: yeah i know.

Dog Poo: look i understand i annoyed you, but Stan was teasing me all day and i just wanted to piss him off.

Wendy: Really?

Dog Poo: yes you really think i'd ask you out?

Wendy: whats that suppose to mean?

Dog Poo: it means ur a stupid selfish bitch and i would never date you & ur gang.

Wendy: Ouch

dog poo walked out laughing, while wendy just standing their shocked

Wendy: am i really that mean?

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