Marnie: "****, why do i say yes to these things, if im gonna be sick with nervous on the day."
she was going through all her clothes, making a huge mess over the floor
Marnie: "'**** it im living in south park, these people seem to be wearing the same clothes everyday, and if Clyde does then id look like im trying too hard" ......
as she continues talking to herself out loudly, kevin walked in, wondering who the hell shes talking too.

Kevin: "umm, are you talking to me, or just swearing for no apparent reason?"
Marnie: "what? oh i'm probably talking to myself, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING, please help me kev"
Kevin: "umm with what? dont say i should give you date advice, do i look like i talk to many girls?
besides you, since you live in my house"

Marnie: true your like my brother yippy, but you know the guy, let tell me what he likes or does.
kevin rolled his eyes, since we were most closer than any real bro and sisters, kevin walked up and turned on facebook.
Kevin: "Just try facebook, everyone talks about themselves, but stuff i do know, he likes tacos, he has kinda a soft feeling, so he may cry easily and i know he likes you..for some reason.
Marnie: he has a tumblr too epic, something we have in common, umm what do you mean by for some reason,
Kevin looked and laughed
Kevin: well he only meet you yesterday, bit quick at least you know eachother.
Marnie: well the way you said it, it was bloody rude, and true that kinda freaks me out, oh well who cares his so cute..........anyways im just gonna wear this, thanks for the advice kevin.
as she walked out running down the stairs, and as she split and feel on her ass, she was still ok..

At the Donovans
that morning an Donovan's as Clyde's mother's was yelling at her husband for not picking up the eggs, Clyde walked down stairs to laugh and watch.
Martha: John, i've been nagging all ****ing week to get eggs, YOUR ARE SUCH A STUPID LAZY ASS..i mean the milk bar is like down the road.
John: I've been busy on that boat in the garage when i take it out next summer, why couldnt you get the eggs?
Martha: EXCUSE ME, who cares about the stupid boat...I WANT EGGS.
John: hunny out son, needs to see the nice ocean sea
Clyde: why?
Martha & John: SHUT UP
Clyde: oooook
Clyde seem kinda confused, but he always laughed at the ****, they fight about every saturday, as Clyde sat down with leftover chocolate cake..and Clyde's mother started to though spoons as John (Clyde's father)
John: Fine i'm off to the milk bar then
John kisses his wife on the cheek, and walks out.
Martha: Yay, now we can finally have those egg pancakes ay.
Martha sits, down at the table, and grabs somes toast from the toaster
Martha: So what have you got planned for the day?
Clyde: going to taco bell with the new girl, i meet yesterday, shes really cute
Martha: thats nice dear.
as she was kinda ignoring her song while reading Cosmo, Clyde got mad, and walked in the lounge, to watch Terrace & Phillip Marathon
10 minutes later
John: Back Hun, i got eggs.
Martha: WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET EGGS, we have 8 boxes in the fridge
John: You gotta be kidding me, you have been nagging me all bloody week.
Martha: Oh You blaming me, Clyde we are having eggs for tea NOW
Clyde: no i wont...
Martha, got really mad and red in her face, and screamed so loud..
John takes clyde a side to the kitchern...
Clyde: What Is Wrong with mom?
John: Have no idea, shes going though a mental breakdown, ever since all your friends mothers went to Las Vegas without her.
Clyde: and this is gotta do with eggs? anyways dude i wont be home, i gotta date.
John: i know, you dont have to be home tonight, im talking your mother to the doctors for help, you have fun son.
That Afternoon
at the bus stop

Kyle: So Dude, can borrow 10 bucks to buy cards tomorrow, ill pay you back.
Stan: Sure dude, here
the boys Stan, Kyle, Jimmy, Token & Clyde were at the bus stop waiting for mr marsh to pick them up for baseball practice...
Jimmy: i h-ho-hope we don dont have to play till 5 again.
Kyle: I Know right, what was with Chef to make as practice for that long?
Clyde: Maybe cause we suck?
Stan: True
Cartman walks up,
Cartman: Heya dudes, whats going on.
Jimmy: oh he-hey Eric, we are about to do, about to do, baseball pra-practice
Cartman: Sweet, we totally go see that movie when all those jews get killed afterwards.
Kyle: YOU FAT ASSHOLE, only your raciest ass wants to see that.
Token: I Wanna See it, apparently its pretty good.
Stan: Sure i'll come
Jimmy: Me Too
Kyle: oh fine, but no jew comments.
Clyde: well guys, see you, im gonna ditch baseball practice, i cant afford to miss this date.
Cartman: omg, Clyde, your so lame..
Clyde: Whatever
as Clyde walked off, Pip came to say hello, with his rosing red cheeks and smile.
Pip: Why hello gentlemen, how are you all this fine evening
Cartman: Go Away Pip, nobody likes you
Pip: Oh Rightie Oh
That Night

Clyde & Marnie, meeted up at Whistlin' Willy's
Marnie: Hey dude, im here.
Clyde, smiled and ran up and hugged her, her heart beated super fast, like she thought she was going to have an heart attack.
Clyde: Hey dude, so glad you showed up.
she blushed.
Marnie: ofcourse i did

as they walked down the road, to Taco bell, they saw Clyde parents leaving the psychosis

Clyde: Oh no, i seriously didn't want you to see them like this.
John: Sorry to run into son, your mother is getting better, apparently shes shuffling early mini pours
Clyde: What Is That?
Marnie: i think its like a female mid-life crisis
Clyde: oh
John: well you get back to your date, its nice to meet you Clyde's little girlfriend.
Marnie: likewise

Clyde looked at me with an embarrassed look.
Clyde: huge egg story, ill fill you in on the way there.
later at taco bell.
we sat at this cute little table shaped as a taco, this guy in a taco hat, and suit took our order, it was really odd, but amazingly awesome too.
Marnie: This place is sooooo good, and look we get little tiny taco gummy lollies, i thought they only come in hamburgers and pizza.
Clyde: I had a fried chips gummy thing once, but i never saw them again

as the huge taco man put a plant of tacos on our table we both had a moment.
Marnie: I was actually really nervous dismorning, but now im fine.
Clyde: I'm still nervous, and im loving every bit of it.
Marnie: dude this taco is like epic, best taco ive ever had.
[BC]lyde[/B]: dude i know i like only meet you yesterday, but dude, you never said no to my dad about the girlfriend like...
as he mumbles on and on, and taking forever to get to this point, with a mouth full of taco's she really wanted to say it, but the taco wouldnt go down, and she was about to pee herself of excitement, she started coughing.
Marnie: cough cough yes i will be your girlfriend cough.
Clyde: SWEET wow really,
Marnie: dude im dying on a taco here, you wont have a gf for long cough*
Clyde runs off his seat, and steals someone's water, and gives pours in down her mouth
Marnie: ahh thanks, didn't have to force it that far.
Clyde: sorry, but your ok now, yay, she may live longer

Marnie: Your so freaken cute, but odd.
outside taco bell it was getting late, and very dark.
Clyde: i should get home before my parents kill me.
Marnie: ok, and thanks for tonight i had a bull.
Clyde lead in, and kissed her on the lips,

Clyde: see you monday...
as he walked off in a skipped way, she was speechless, and very horny
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